
2014 Wargate Flames of War Campaign
Season 1, Schedule 2

February 21st, 1942

Kholm has been surrounded, and the Red Army has continues it's advance through German lines.  Canny leadership, however, has ensured the German infrastructure and supply lines are still intact.  Nearly two weeks ago, the Demyansk Pocket was formed - the assaulting Russians have cut off another piece of the German wehrmacht! 

General Winter is making it hard for everyone.  Severe weather and rough terrain have halted the Red Army's advance, and the Germans are digging in where they are.  At Demyansk, Guards motostrelkovy and tankovy batalons prepare the order to assist in the crushing of the pocket, but the Germans have the upper hand in the dense terrain.

The objectives are simple.  The Germans must be hemmed into the pocket, and if resistance cannot be destroyed the Russians are determined to neuter the Nazi ability to strike out.  With massive airlifts by the luftflotte underway to resupply the Germans in Demyansk, that may prove to be a daunting task for the Red Army...

Campaign Rules

This campaign is set up like our previous Flames of War campaigns.  Influence is earned per team (Germany and the U.S.S.R.), and the scores from both rounds are averaged together.  In addition, the General Winter rule is in effect for the entire campaign, representing the harsh conditions and rough terrain.

  • General Winter - Models must pass a skill test to move at the double.  Bogged down tanks must re-roll successful Motivation rolls to re-mount.  Infantry must re-roll successful Skill tests to Dig In.

Campaign Updates

  1. (1.5.14) - Initial opposition was harsh to the Soviets as German forces simply withdrew from many of the outlying objectives, forcing hard captures of worthless grounds.  Soviet infantry pushes were repelled as well, with the Grenadiers holding the line with their well-drilled gun crews.
  2. (1.12.14) - Now in position to defend a new salient, the German forces mass together to resist the next push.  SS units arrive to aid in the defense of a critical road junction, and battle is joined in earnest.  Bloody and bitter was the battle, but in the end Soviet forces were demoralized by the German guns and sent into a general retreat.
  3. (1.19.14) - A strange quiet settles over Demyansk as the Soviets move into postion, and the trapped Germans frantically scamper for airlifted supplies.
  4. (1.26.14) - A large clash in the outlying coutryside sees a Soviet strike force cut to pieces by well placed German guns.  However, a second wave arrives and is finally able to break the German cordon around Demyansk!
  5. (2.2.14) - A massive push by the Soviet armored division sees the German forces scattered, but the battle isn't brought to bear until all forces are scattered.  A quick move by Soviet armor secures valuable supplies for the U.S.S.R., and the Germans abandon their forward positions.
  6. (2.9.14) - German gun emplacements repel the initial surge of Russian infantry.  During the ensuing evening, Soviet tanks begin to squeeze the positions outlying the Nazi pocket.  Unable to bring enought anti-armor weapons to bear, the S.S. are forced back into Demyansk.
  7. (2.16.14) - A strange stillness falls over the battlefield...could it be a portent of things to come?
  8. (2.23.14) - Exhausted after days of fighting, the Soviets retire and allow the Germans to hold onto Demyansk - for now.

Though the margin of victory is even slimmer this time, the German forces manage to hang onto the lead and stay entrenched in Demyansk.  Soviet stavka have ordered the Red Army to push on, and leave the pocket where it is.  The German defenders of Demyansk are relieved, and set about repairing their fortifications.

Already the Wargate's Supreme Commander for 2013, Jerry Wargate and his German hauptmanner have sealed the deal once again!  Congratulations to the entire German team:  Jerry Wargate, Captain Video, Reverend Greg and Buff Bagworm!  You guys have been super-hard, and every game is a thoroughly enjoyable challenge.

The next Flames of War campaign occurs in Season 4 (November-December), and we'll be adding tons more gear to the war effort as we approach the encirclement of Leningrad.  German armor, Soviet Anti-Aircraft and probably some tankodesantniki await us there later this year.

Hope everyone had great fun in the pits around Demyansk these last few months.  Even the Soviets had fun.  Next Germans had better watch out - we're bringing a whole new game next time!