I'm back after a well deserved rest for number 12 in the unit reviews, this time I'm going to be looking at a unit that I haven't used much in the past, the Blighted Nyss Legionnaires.
The Legionnaires are a unit that I don't tend to use, for my moving, aggressive playstyle I find them a bit static, but don't let this make you believe this is a poor unit, not at all, and it packs a surprising punch as well.
Their stats are very good for the points, POW 10 Reach swords with combined melee attack is not something to be taken lightly, and can easily ruin a forces day. One thing that is apparent looking at the stat line is the SPD 5 and DEF 12, both of these are below average for a Legion unit, however the ARM of 14 is higher (boosted to 16 in defensive line, which can be used when running) so it balances out a bit.
One thing that stands out to me is that this is a defensive unit, having Defensive Line and Vengeance makes them very good at it, even allowing them to get 2 hits a turn (Vengeance then activation).
A unit of 10 Legionnaires for 6 points will make it very difficult for your opponent to avoid, and dealing with them head on can be an issue quickly, a MAT of 6 gives them the ability to target a lot of units with a fair to high chance of hitting, quickly stopping an attack.
Personally I think this unit is very good, if it works in your list, for slower Legion armies where they can keep pace they make a great hold the line unit, and can deal a good amount of damage when they get stuck in, but they will struggle to be effective in a fast moving list, where the more offensive swordsmen are a better (and my personal) choice.
That's it for another week, now back to work.