
Someone got an early look!

It would appear that someone has got their sneaky paws on the Codex and has decided to share some of the information from within to everyone’s favourite 40k blogger – Natfka over at Faeit 212 (You should be following this guy!). I have left a link to the post below. (Please remember as always this is all rumour until evidence has been seen)

Now you see after looking at these originally I was very much not interested in purchasing one… but the more I have thought about them and looked at the awesome design I am more and more creeping towards it,  personally having these guys backing up my guard would seriously put some fear into the hearts of the opposition. The Ally Matrix looks as follows.

Ally Matrix:
Battle Brothers: Everyone Else
Allies of Convenience: Eldar,Grey Knights 
Desperate Allies: Tau, Dark Eldar
Apocalypse: Orks, Necrons, Chaos Demons, Chaos Space Marines, Tyranids

There has already been talk of a Chaos version (Of course!). It am very much looking forward to seeing the personalisation gamers will be unleashing on them.

The primary detachment for these mothers is  3 – 6 Knights and they have been reported to have Warlord traits ranging from “Awesome – Meh” Anyway check the full report below.

The post Codex: Imperial Knights – First look appeared first on VoxNet Radio.