The article I'm submitting for Old stuff day is my candle tutorial, I chose that article 'cus I keep going back to it myself and beceause I get a lot of questions about my candles every time I post a picture of one of my blood angels. The candles are reacuring theme on almost every base in my ever growing army.
Apparentley due to new pollicy I get my White Dwarf a little later then the stores. In my case that tends to make a subscribtion a little obsolete as the nearest retailer is almost literally next door. But that and the fact that I had a working weekend did mean there was no update on the blog this weekend. So let me make it up to you by doing another tutorial. In the meantime I get to remember how I do this stuff. For the sake of pictures in this tutorial I didn't make the candles while on the base, but rather on the toothpick.
I’m not great at these thing, nor do I think I’m the great talent at painting or sculpting. I do however bump on things I think are worth sharing with the rest of you. One of these things are the candles I include on my Blood Angels. As the picture shows; it’s all fairly straight forward.
First I use a tooth pick cut it to length.
Next up are the dripping lines. I do those by just adding green stuff to the sides and making vertical carves with a needle like sculpting tool. Top of the candle is made by pushing a ballpoint tool on the top The drop is made by pushing at the end of the drop
Third part is the flame. I do this by just rolling a little egg like form and carefully pushing it in place with the needle point (sometimes using a little glue)
I use greenstuff for these kind of things as it gives a better curing effect. I like using brown stuff, but it gets a more straight finish; Green stuff tends to curve slightly when handled, and candles tend to do the same :o)
Hope it inspired some people.
If you’ve got pointers or experiences; let me know.