Tidbits from around the net.
Not much new on a Sunday, so here are a few small things.

From Darnok on Warseer

As far as I'm informed, the Helbrutes will be available a week after the Knights Codex. 
It won't go up for advance order with the new Warhammer Visions though, as the Knight books have that spot. As far as I know, the Helbrutes release is the 15th (so advance order from 8th). 

From barcode on the Bols Lounge

Default Imperial Knights Delays in Eastern US

A handful of retailers in the Eastern United States are saying:

Imperial Knights are being limited to smaller numbers per retailer and are being slowed by up to 1 week due to delays with a particular shipment clearing US Customs. This is said to be limited to the Eastern United States only, and no other delays are reported in other areas.

