So no sooner was the starter box at home, was I ripping it open to begin to put the model together!

All I can say at the moment is that I am having fun with these guys! I can spot a few issues with mold lines on the fingers, so will go back and fix that somehow. But really I don't care cause they are a lot of fun to paint up.

Best part is I am also using Scale75 model colors on them almost exclusively. I say almost cause there is a lot of glazes and washes going n them as well.

Still a ways to go on them though, but really liking the direction that they have taken already.. I think I have nailed this yellow khaki color from the WWII Uniforms.. but I am sure there are more than a few people out there that will tell me otherwise ( if so.. what am I missing!!! ).

Just so much to experiment on them, and a lot of firsts for me as well. Let's see how it goes.. and yes there is much more to happen with them!
