
It seems that whilst everyone is either mastering the multiplayer madness of Dreadball Ultimate, or anticipating the interesting looking Dreadball Extreme, Mantic have released a supplement for Dreadball season 3 – Galactic Tours Series: Azure Forest.

Azure Forest

It looks like the Dreadball we know and love, but played in a deadly rainforest…what could possibly go wrong? With new events and characters it is well worth a look.

Azure Forest Book

The supplement includes a 32 page rulebook  as well as 14 new event cards for your team to survive including angry local lifeforms. However most interestingly you will also get the new MVP A’teo Adysi, who unlike the rest of the Dreadball range, will be made of metal, an exciting departure from their normal rastic miniatures.

Ateo Adysi

Could this be the start of a series of supplements for new planets, arenas and challenges in the Dreadball universe? We certainly hope so  and will be watching this closely.

The Galactic Tour Series: Azure Forest is out now and available from Firestorm Games priced £13.49.