Alright, so The Hobbit tournament we hosted on Saturday was a great success. We had 18 players battle it out! Which is huge for LOTR comps in Australia. Here is the debrief:

Everything ran on time. The new VIP policy that GW has introduced (VIP holders may enter the store half an hour earlier than official opening) meant that we essentially scored an extra 30 minutes setup time. We aren't VIP members per say, but the manager let all of our tournament participants in with the VIP crowd so that we could get going on time.

Paint scoring was a bit awkward. Simply because of my fairly generic paint scoring guide.......oops. Well no worry, Adam from Adpaint has devised a new paint scoring system for us to use at future events! Adam also did the paint judging for the tournament - thanks mate! 

Our new sports system worked well. We have taken away the old system of rating your opponent on a scale of 0-4 and replaced with a system of 0-2. However, if you want to give someone anything else than a 2, you must provide a legitimate explanation. It meant that most people got 6/6 for their three rounds, with only a handful getting lower (with explanations). So everyone got the same score? Well no. We made it so for each "Best Sports" nomination you received, you got a bonus two points. It meant that the guys who legitimately were great sports, got rewarded for it in their overall score. We did have a tie for Best Sports yesterday between two players. Ultimately, it went to the guy who had a lower battle score.

The one major problem we had was terrain. We managed to scrape together nine 4x4's, but the mix and match of terrain was horrendously awkward. Some tables were great, but others had major limitations to them. I'm hoping that at the next event we can scrape up a lot of decent terrain. 

Anyway, onto my own games.

My first game was up against Jon, whose Isengard force ended up winning Best Painted. Jon is a great guy and I thoroughly enjoyed playing him. The first half of the game seemed to swing my way, but in the final two turns he managed to whip it around to a draw. My second game was against Arlo, who was participating in his first tournament! Arlo had a combination of Dwarves and Laketown. Thorin was a badass and absolutely ripped my left flank to pieces, whilst my Sons of Eorl managed to scratch enough kills through to earn a minor victory. My final game was against Darren, who I know from 40k tournaments. Darren has beaten my army everytime we have played, so I was keen to get my own back. An early auto-cast of Natures Wrath by Thranduil gave me an opening edge, which I just managed to hold onto to gain another victory.

Overall, the tournament was a huge success. 10 players went home with $$ voucher prizes.......10! Which was great. Next up we have an even bigger LOTR event in three weeks time. Same points size, but with more players! Should be great.

If you would like to see some photos of the event you can look at them here: - you even get some pictures of the good looking blokes (particularly TommyH) that are running things behind the scenes here at 40k Warzone!