OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALouis had requested that we learn Flashpoint: Fire Rescue, so that is exactly what Louis, Kevin, Joe and I did on Saturday.

The first game was just the basic setup with the experienced rules. Kevin did a great job with the deck gun, putting out a ton of fire.  Joe worked the CAFS firefighter perfectly and we were able to get it done with zero casualties.

We decided to step it up in our second game, going with a random, veteran setup.  I started off as the Rescue specialist and Joe was the EMT.  This left us with a lack of fire extinguishing, but with Louis commanding us and some fairly favorable fire rolls, we were able to quickly evacuate the building.


We then finished the evening with a game of Spyrium.  I built a couple factories and a basic mine in the first round and worked them all game.  There were a few turns where money was short and spyrium supplies dipped, but with the factory bonus card, I was able to propel myself to a first place finish.


Gina wanted to play a game Sunday, so I taught her Flashpoint as well.  Our first game did not go well.  The fire quickly got out of control in the living room, and the next thing we know the walls started falling down around us.  We managed to save six victims, but the building collapsed before we rescued the last one.


We play again, and this time our son joined in.  He was playing the Generalist and I had the CAFS Firefighter to hopefully deal with the fire.  After being forced to deal with a bunch of false alarms in our previous game, Gina decided to start with the Imaging Tech.  Things started off a bit like the last game with the living room quickly becoming engulfed in flame.  Jax was able to save the first couple victims, while I worked on taking care of the fire.  Gina ended up switching to the Commander and later the Driver in order to use the deck gun to really take care of the fire quickly.

The building was in dire straights, but Jax rushed the last victim out the back door and into the waiting ambulance to seal the victory.


Until next time, happy gaming!