Here you will find my basic rates for commission work. As said, these are the basic rates, depending on the various request of the customer, these may increase.



1) These prices do not include the cost of the models. Models will need to be shipped to me or I can invoice you for their cost.

2) Shipping is at your cost. None of these prices include shipping charges. Packaging will be done with great care. Everything will be either ship via courier services (FEDEX) or via Xpresspost from Canada Post.

3) Preferably, send me the models unassembled. It will allow me a better flexibility for painting them. The cost of assembling is included in the listed prices.

4) Due date: Everything will be done to make sure delivery will be done on an agreed deadline. Unfortunately, various factors can affect the situation. There will not be any guaranteed shipping date.

5) Half the total amount invoiced for the work will be requested before I start the work. Models will only be shipped once full payment has been received.

6) Although the model is your possession, I keep the right to use all the pictures of the final products and “wip” pictures for promotional purposes. The identity of the customer will remain anonymous, unless otherwise stated.



High Quality Tabletop:

  • Characters/HQ/Warcaster: Regular human size: 75$ – Larger model (terminator, man-o-war – 125$ – Mounted model – 150$+ (depending on size and amount of details per model)
  • Troops:  Regular human size – 40$ per model – Larger troop model (terminator, man-o-war…) – 75$ per model
  • Mounted troop model: 75$+ per model (depending on size and amount of details per model)
  • Light Warjack, WHFantasy war machine, WH40k weapon teams: 125$
  • Heavy Warjack, WH40k Walkers: 175$
  • Tanks: 200$+ (depending on size and amount of details per model)
  • Colossals, Battle Engine, Riptide, Wraith Knight…: 300$+ (depending on size and amount of details per model)

You will be delivered a high tabletop quality at these prices like the Battlegroup of Cygnar example situated at the bottom of the page. At this time, I cannot commit to full scale WH40k or Fantasy armies. Prices and deadlines will only be negotiated for skirmish forces (Warmachine, Infinity…) or 2-3 units at a time.

Basing is not included in the above prices. I highly suggest that you use precast bases in order to guarantee a faster delivery, more homogeneous result and lower costs. I suggest either Dragon Forge Design bases or those from Secret Weapon Miniatures.



High End Display Quality

These prices are for basic models without too many details. The level of detail and finesse of the figurine will be factors in evaluating the final price.

  • 28mm; 275$+
  • 28mm Mounted model: 475$+
  • 54mm: 500$+
  • 54mm Mounted model: 850$+
  • 75mm: 650$+
  • 75mm Mounted: 1100$+
  • 94mm: 750$+
  • 94mm Mountes: 1300$+

For any other size, please contact me.

Prices may be reduced for lesser quality. Contact me for details. We can always discuss what you need and find an agreement.

To contact me, you can use the contact form on this page or simply send me an email at akaranseth [a]


Example of tabletop quality:
