You know what's not a good idea? Trying to paint 28 models at the same time.. Not to mention the fact that they aren't even the same armies... 15 Cultists and 13 Orks,. haha.. for me that's a lot at the same time. I really prefer the smaller numbers but I want to get these all done by Saturday night. Sounds like we are going to have a good turn out for the Kill Teams and I want to have enough Baddies ready.
The Cultists are moving along .. the fact that I'm also trying to make them all look different and all busted up makes it take longer. I have all the main ideas figured out for what I wanted to do with them so now it's just making it all happen. So far I'm pretty happy with the Fat Heavy Stubber guy,. He's going to have a butcher look and want him to be grizzly .. still a ways to go but a good start.
The Orks are coming along as well..
I have been working down the line on the leather,.. I typically start with a lighter brown ..VGC leather brown then I'll wash the darker colors over the leather. Depending on the the colors I want will depend on the number of washes I apply. Now I have to work on more of the little bits..
28 Models Later
by Todd Sherman | Mar 12, 2014