After watching The Agent Of Chaos & The Lady Inquisitor suffer through the stomach flu for five days it was finally my turn on Wednesday. Forgive my brevity here as I am still somewhat gun shy of diarrhea - even if it is only the verbal kind ;) Pictures then? Yes...
There was a ton of small conversion work on the duplicate sculpts so I tried to pair them together, but I messed up on a few since the conversions made some seem fairly close. Bah! You get the idea :)
I really liked the limited palette and will push that even further on Project Alice I think!
Next Post: Display pics of the stabby cultists. I am also editing the video tutorial on using Secret Weapon washes to paint a mini to a nice table top level in under 1 hour as well as working on another
diorama - wait, no. I swore off those... oooh! I know, a vignette! Inspired by the audio drama Helion Rain. On top of that I will be listening to Eye Of Vengeance again for inspiration on another project for this coming spring/ summer. Thanks for dropping by, hit me with any questions, comments or critiques and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain :P