Well the UCM forces have some tanks ready to go to war against the Scourge. I cannot say that I am super happy about how they came out. After Tommie's class last weekend and seeing how I could have painted them up, I am a bit upset with it. But aside from that they are done, and I learned a lot from painting at this scale.

Tommie's version above is really nice cause of how you can see all the edge highlighting so clearly even from this distance. Something that I just couldn't really achieve on mine. So I took a different route and went for a more weathered and muddy route :)

Though I have to say that the mud came out really horrible at the first pass.

As you can see, they came out really chalky and off white. Thanks to some quick chats with my Painting Anonymous peoples, they came up with the idea to throw some brown oil colors onto them.

And thankfully they came out in much better and something that I can actually be happy with.

I do wish that when I attempted to put some edge highlighting on the tanks it still did not come through as much as I wished in the end.

But it is fine. Cause they will do well on the table for gaming in the meantime, and now I just need to finish off the carriers and infantry. And then I could move onto the Scourge faction and get some games on.

And yeah, I did the photos with one of the cardboard buildings along with a board tile also. Shows how they will look while gaming. And the muddied up tracks fit better with the destroyed zoned boards.

Oh and I just hit 500 posts! Like wow! That one snuck up on me and I will have to figure out something to celebrate that soon enough! In the meantime, enjoy the UCM above!