Thermal Cannon Bluing

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a heat tint on weapons. This is also known as ‘bluing’ which can often be found on exhausts. This is caused by extreme heat and I’ve recently seen in used more and more on certain cannons and melta weapons in the 40K universe. The first example of this may be on the Forgeworld Legion Glaive model.

I decided to give this effect a go and create a little tutorial on how I achieved this type of effect on an Imperial Knight Thermal Cannon. Firstly I painted the cannon with Leadbelcher (GW Layer). Once this was dry I airbrushed Brass Monkey (Badger Minitaire) onto half of the cannon. You could also paint this on and any gold or light brass colour will work just as well.

Apologies on glare coming off the tutorial images due to over exposure. I fixed this for the final result image.

Thermal Cannon Bluing

In the next step I airbrushed Ghost Tint Purple (Badger Minitaire) making sure I left some of the gold near the inner edge showing. Some areas were cleaned up by painting this colour on as due to the thin nature of this paint it acts like a wash so doesn’t always build up in the raised areas. Again you could paint this step using a thin purple paint or shade.

Thermal Cannon Bluing

I then painted on some Ghost Tint Blue (Badger Minitaire) at the very edges. Again any thinned down blue or blue wash can be used. You could also airbrush this but I chose to use a brush as I wanted this colour to be very subtle.

Thermal Cannon Bluing

Lastly I drybrushed some Abaddon Black (GW Base) on the edge of the gun and deepened all the recesses with Nuln Oil (GW Shade). You may also have noticed I added more of the Purple onto the cannon as I felt too much gold was showing through originally. You really want the cannon to be predominantly purple with a small amount of gold on the inner edge and a small amount of blue on the outer edge.

Thermal Cannon Bluing