Hobby fatigue is something everyone can relate to. For me, it comes along when I spend too much time painting the same unit, and currently I'm suffering from it big time.

So it seems I've been painting my unit of silver helms endlessly for the past few weeks. This isn't to say I haven't completed other units. In fact I've managed to finish up around 700 points of tomb kings, and about 500 of high elves.....but the silver helms have killed me. So I thought I'd sit down and think about how I deal with hobby fatigue.

Namely, my primary work around is painting 2-3 models at a time. Any more then that and I lose patience, and any less I never get through what I need to paint. So I tend to find myself painting a layer onto 2-3 models and then getting up and doing something else around the house. Painting at home has a lot of distractions, so this is unsurprising. 

My second way of trying to bypass my painting boredom is by switching up the units frequently. This means that I usually have a lot ld unfinished models, however, in one whack I can suddenly have an entire army finished in a week. Of course the biggest motivator is tournament painting scores, where many a gamer has found themselves up at 2am slapping the minimum colours onto their models.

Another weird knack of mine is having sky news on in the background......the mindless drone of the headlines is strangely helpful when it comes to painting. Perhaps it's a way of engaging my hearing so I don't get distracted as easy?

What do other people do?