So since we were heading to Nottingham to go to EM-Con, which to me was kind of a bust, we did have some time to go and look around at other tourist spots in the city. And with us coming up a day early ( and a few hours sleep deprived ) we figured we would hit up the Nottingham Castle on the Saturday.

Which was opportunist for us since it was Castle day or something. And so entry to the grounds was free! Great fun! What is also cool is that our son is learning all about castles in school at the moment. So he became out guide for a bit of it, explaining to us in year 1 style what a castle has and who lives there. Apparently I am a king there. Loving the logic already!

After a slight detour of checking out the local Frogs, we headed up the vast staircase to check out the view from the top!


Not the worst hike up, but still one to take some breath away :)

Then we did the interior tour of the castle. Checking out all the war memorabilia and pictures on display.

Junior even snagged himself a shield to fight off attackers ( or cosplayers as the time required ).

We even caught him doing some dress up. He was not too scared to try on anything within the box.

But they did have a bit of a funky smell happening apparently :)

He did get to storm the playground castle for a while before he took up arms training with the locals.

Quite the unruly mob of soldiers there.. Would hate to have to face them in battle!

From here it was more of a brisk walk back to the hotel where we all crashed for the afternoon before going out for dinner. With the little guy wanting to sleep with his sword and shield. To say that he was well protected from his dreams would be an understatement :)

Enjoy, and tomorrow's article will be about Warhammer World!!! Woot woot!!