Nothing to see here though.. really.. just me and my ride as we cruised up to GW's Warhammer World last Sunday. Complete with battle damage from taking the M1 north. I think I only crushed a few vehicles along the way though :) But all for the emperor right?
All I can really say about heading here was that I have been looking forward to doing this trip ever since I started playing Warhammer when I was a wee lad back in Canada. I remember one time when one of our club members from the local gaming store had gone over there and brought back photos. And all we could think was how much better the photos would be without him in them :) Same thoughts, but this time I am in them so :P
First stop though was to hit up the Bugman's Brewery for some Dwarven Ale and roasted Elf Hawk burgers. Junior had a field day with all the items around the room, and really took to the shields on the wall! So much so that we had to draw them out for him, cause photos were not enough. And I suspect we will see him trying to make some at home at some point also.
We got to check out the gaming hall from here. WOW.. huge hall indeed and quite the scene overall.
Not so many people playing, but very cool all the same. And some really interesting and elaborate tables built up for others to play on! Including this great Goblin Hobbit pit.
Or these cities of death boards that were quite busy while we were there.
And then the "small" store at the end of the hall. Which had pretty much everything in it except for the one piece that my son wanted. Go figure! But that figure will be winging its way to our home soon enough!
They had a lot of different forces within their display cases though. Was really impressed with the set up for them, and how they were all laid out.
Some real stunners in there. Though again I think they could invest in some better lighting to allow you to see the models better and take proper photos of them as well.
So after ordering our ForgeWorld models ( some of which can be seen in Monday's haul shot! ). I am looking forward to painting them up in the middle to far future :)
While passing to the display models section, I also got to pass near the wall of Slayer Sword winners. Seeing many MV names up there, and not all for just Germany it seems!
I know that when this last photo was shown by someone else a while back, speculation of future Games Days was heightened. Though when looking at the beginning it just showed GDUK winners cause that was all there was. So it could just revert back to a single or double set of GD's for the future and just be setting it up to accommodate many more GDUKs to come? Who knows.. but we all love to speculate.
I did try to get a photo of myself under the plaque wearing my Massive Voodoo t-shirt. But at this point the wife and kid were back at the brewery waiting for my nerd run to calm down. And no one else was around to take my photo. I can't say that I didn't try to balance my nice camera on the strange banister to get the right photo... but after a few near drops I gave up on the idea and carried on. Onwards to their valhalla of 'eavy metal model showcase room. Again with all the proper trimmings to make the room look nice, but going cheap on the lights.
The last photo of the Ettin convinced me that I want to paint this model. I should have picked it up at the store, but considering the scope of damage with spending we had done already, I just couldn't justify it. At least not in this trip :D
I really liked this conversion. Now I want to know what all the pieces are, and make my own!!!
There were the armies on parade, the scenes from old school painting days of GW, and the armies upon armies being shown in the cabinets. All with their horrible lighting fixtures.
What was really cool was at the center of it all. A huge Tyranid vs Space Wolf display board. Though I think Roman used more on his Slayer Sword entry than what they had here :) Tyranids that is.. not marines..
And by this time I was pretty exhausted. Had just enough time to talk with another bloke at the shop about if they have any other LE stuff.. which they didn't in the store. And then head to the brewery once more to pick up the family, spend some coin in the brew pub miniatures shop, and begin the trek home. After a couple more shots in front of the Ultramarine Rhino of course ;)
And now to prep my gear for another trip back up north to Liverpool to meet up with John once more. But this time for him to take me through the mysteries of the Airbrush. So expect maybe a post or 2 of some random workings from this week tomorrow, and then I am back on the road. More reviews and such type of articles coming up next week.. Hopefully following me in these adventures is exciting enough to keep following as I have many more to go! Cheers for now!