I was there when they made a figure for Horus.  One of the most eagerly anticipated figures of all time, is being released in just a few weeks! Horus, Warmaster, Archtraitor, Lupercal. All of these names will live on in infamy throughout the annals of 40k history And now he comes to the tabletop! Horus was the Primarch of the Luna Wolves Legion, later re-named the Sons of Horus in his honour, and greatest of his superhuman kind. A tactical genius and charismatic battle leader, Horus...

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I was there when they made a figure for Horus.  One of the most eagerly anticipated figures of all time, is being released in just a few weeks! Horus, Warmaster, Archtraitor, Lupercal. All of these names will live on in infamy throughout the annals of 40k history And now he comes to the tabletop! Horus was the Primarch of the Luna Wolves Legion, later re-named the Sons of Horus in his honour, and greatest of his superhuman kind. A tactical genius and charismatic battle leader, Horus...

Visit Spikey Bits for the full article!