Hello all, welcome back to What To Play!  This weekend I was able play a second game of X-Wing, and wow was it a close one!

Our game consisted of 150 points a side on a 3' x 3' board, 4 players each controlling 75 points.  On looking back, I think the game is a little tight in those quarters.

The beginning of the game started with the Rebellion running Han Solo and a B-Wing on the upper left flank while the upper right had Wedge and Luke, each sporting Proton Torpedo's while Luke had R2-D2 (seriously, R2 is the best upgrade in the game, hands down).

The Imperials started with 5 Tie Fighters in a formation in the bottom left, Darth Vader, a Tie Bomber, and one of the new Imperial Aces on the bottom right.  The Tie Fighters shot forward to confront the Falcon and the Advanced/Bomber/Interceptor all shot in to assist.  The Falcon needed to turn to attempt to get away from the nightmare of the Tie's, but quickly fell to their might.

Meanwhile, the B-Wing flew forward doing damage to the Interceptor and to Darth Vader.  At this point the Falcon was down to 1 hull point, and things were looking pretty grim for the Rebellion.

The Ties flew forward and ended up crashing into the Tie Bomber, causing a mass pile up.  Wedge and Luke did their best to try to take down Vader, but he managed to escape their destruction.

The Tie Bomber managed to get in front of the Tie Fighters, while the Ties finished off the Falcon and prepared to make their way to the three remaining ships.  The B-Wing flew in front of Wedge, causing him to become fatigued when he crashed into him.  However, it was at this point the Ties started to take some damage.  Wedge took some hits and was left with no shields by this point as well.

The Interceptor made a critical error in the dial and flew toward the board edge instead of away from it, leaving him no choice but to fly off the edge of the board the next round after collecting a stress token.

It was at this point Darth Vader took a critical hit and went down, taken out by Luke Skywalker (which brought me much amusement!).  Things were still looking grim, however, as there were still 4 Ties and the Interceptor doing their best to destroy the B-Wing.  Eventually, the B-Wing took too much damage and was removed from the battle.  The Tie Bomber found itself in a similar position as the Interceptor and had nowhere to go but off the board.

The Tie Fighters kept dishing out hits, but R2-D2 kept giving him his shields back.  Still, he had taken 1 hull damage and there was a real possibility the Ties could come back and shoot him down.  The Tie at the bottom of the board, however, was destined to fly off into the void, never to be seen again.  This left Luke in a much better position than I had believed possible.

Lots of reversals and shots later, Luke managed to shoot the last two Tie Fighters in a stunning upset.  By all accounts the Imperials had the game, but due to a couple bad maneuvers (choosing the wrong direction) and some asteroid hits (the funniest being Darth Vader going over an asteroid with a loop de loop, only to fly over the same asteroid) and some hot dice to make up for my really cold dice in the beginning, the Rebellion managed a win.

Well, that's my account of the events, as best as I can remember them.  Hopefully you enjoyed this battle report and if so I'd love to hear some feedback on changes I could make in the future.  I had a lot of fun playing and the outcome surprised me as much as anyone.

Till next time, happy gaming!