Here's another great product from Secret Weapon Miniatures! This has all kinds of great uses.
It's a destroyed tank, and as you can see, it has three elements.
They can be placed in all sorts of different positions and still look great!
The turret is very impressive. And it makes fantastic barricade.
This is one way to truly represent what a messed up tank really is. Paper counters or upside down tanks are not quite the same.
Here is the last piece of the set.
These can work very well with a diorama/display board (as I am doing), or as stand alone terrain pieces (which I am also doing!)
I put a few miniatures in with the set so that you get an idea of scale, and how it is a much better representation of 'cover', now that everything is reliant on TLOS.
As always, you don't have to wash or scrub this down. No nasty mould release residue!