With only 9 days and counting, there had darn well better be some painting progress! The only problem with the way I'm painting this force is that I'm working on all of it at once, and nothing is technically done yet. I think I've hit a good pace with the painting though, and considering I've got one more solid weekend between me and Adepticon, I should be good.

This time around, I've got a bevy of painting updates from my Tactical Squad, to my Ironclad Contemptor.

I do feel the need to apologize a bit for the non-stop iPhone pictures, especially now that we are getting into painted shots. However if I don't snap them while I have the chance, I'll miss any sort of log on these guys at all with the pace I'm setting.

I've decided to add a touch of brassy-gold to my foot troops as the accent color for the green. It really helps set some nice view points on the figures, especially with the face plates. You can see the first of these below. I'll be adding some depth with a reddish-brown glaze, then working the highlights back up.

The Tartaros Terminators will be getting the same treatment, but here they are as they stand now.

The Recon Marines are the farthest behind of the troops in terms of painting progress, though I've done a nice subtle blend from a gray-green to black on the cloaks.

Of course, here's the obligatory shot of the full color modulation on the Drop Pod.

And finally, yes, I've shot paint onto the Ironclad Contemptor. I'm really pleased with the way this is coming out so far, so let's go from primer, all the way to final highlight color on the shield!

Now to let you in on a little secret...these shots were from before I left for Vegas. This past weekend I've gotten all the foot troops to the point that I'll be spraying the gloss varnish on them tonight for the oil wash! That means that by Wednesday this week, you'll see those folks all finished!

Who else is burning the midnight oil prepping for Adepticon?

- Tim