In the first year after their founding, the Venusian Rangers were deployed in the 23rd Lowlands sector where they sacked and destroyed the Citadel of the Nepharite Overlord Argonath. Since then, they have gone on to win countless battle honours in the name of Bauhaus and of Humanity as a whole.

My goal is to finish painting my Bauhaus starter as soon as possible but I just couldn't resist the temptations of painting up one of my absolute favourite troops in Warzone/Mutant Chronicles, the Venusian Rangers. This is a test model I painted up where I tried to do the classic white look on their armour. I painted it using Citadel Rakarth Flesh and then Highlight it with Citadel Pallid Wych flesh just leaving some Rakarth in the recesses. For a final highlight I painted it with pure white, in this case Ceramite White.

They will have a different look from the rest of the force, but I think that is just further showing how they are an elite infantry unit. As always all kinds of comments are much welcome. I will post up some more Warzone but from another faction soon.