TSC_Logo HiResHopefully by now you all will have noticed increasing frequency of articles and variety of by lines going up on The Shell Case. This is because over the last 12 months I’ve been hard at work gathering together a team of writers who can offer more to our loyal readers than I can do on my own. Whilst I’d love to play every game out there it just isn’t possible and not every game is going to be my bag. Each member of the team brings something unique in terms of background, gaming preference and experience and it’s a great mix that will mean wider, more interesting, content for you.

More importantly it will mean more articles about more games, more often. With an expanded team we’re able to produce more hobby articles, more reviews, write battle reports more regularly and serialise campaigns too. We’ve already put our best foot forward and we’ve got some great articles in the pipeline. We’ll also be breaking new ground by exploring historical wargaming for the first time beyond the Saga & Old West reviews 18 months ago. Whilst not new for most, this has been a largely unexplored area for us and it’s time that changed.

We’ll also be bringing you some more guest posts. Gav Thorpe & Nick Kyme will hopefully return with some of their cohorts to follow, including a certain someone currently involved in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

And finally there’ll be a few more competitions in the offing especially as our current painting competition has been so well received.

It’s a really exciting and busy time for the team and I. The wargamers I’ve been lucky enough to assemble have bags of enthusiasm and are putting that energy into great content and wider projects that we’ll be revealing in the near future. And because I’ve got 6 hard working and awesome people, including Mat and Lee who graciously agreed to be deputy editors, I get to write more or what I like and focus on editor type things.

We’ll also be making some improvements to the site, making it easier to find content. We’re also considering a redesign but I’m yet to hit on a design and layout that I like. But more on that another time. Mat has also been hard at work unravelling the mess that The Shell Case Alliance feed became thanks to some chronically masturbating Japanese hackers. I’m not being derogatory, all the links were for some pretty serious Japanese pornography sites so one has to make assumptions. If you’re site is part of the Alliance or you’d like it to be please get in touch as we need to share the updated RSS feed. The site will get a face lift too and became a much more useful resource for sharing awesome wargaming blogs.

We’ve got a mountain to climb to achieve our third phase of expansion – much of which I can’t disclose at the moment – but I’m proud to say that I’ve got the right team to get us there. I can’t promise – at this stage – that we’ll be able to cover every game but we’re going to do our best to broaden our horizons and have as much fun as possible whilst we do it.

Thanks for reading.