


Rule rumours spotted on Faeit 212

I was checking out my favourite 40K blog (you guys really should be following him) Faeit 212 http://natfka.blogspot.co.uk/ and it appears that he has been issued a lot of rules for the upcoming release from a couple of anonymous readers. See below for the details (This content is in no way mine, I am just spreading the love!)

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212

The battle cannon on the Taurox Prime is a ‘Taurox Battle Cannon’. I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade but it is just Str 7 Ap4 Blast. It can be upgraded for the price of a sergeant to the Gatling Cannon which is Heavy 10 Str 4 AP – or a further sergeant to get the Missile Launcher which is your standard Heavy 2 Frag/Krak combo. The Prime also comes with a mounted Hotshot Volley Gun like the Scions can take which is TL Salvo 2/4 Str 4 Ap 3. Both the Taurox and Taurox prime have 2 additional firing points.

Scions also come with Deep Strike and Move Through Cover. 5 of them come in at the same cost as a 5 man marine tac squad, additional models are 1 Eldar Ranger each. The Scion command squad is the same cost as a 5 man Assault squad, can be upgraded with a Medic, Vox Caster and Banner. The Tempestor is Ldr 9 and all Tempestus squads within 18 inches can use his leadership for morale, pinning, etc. In addition, the Tempestor is considered a junior officer and can give 1 command as per current IG rules. Any command squad models not upgraded may replace their Hotshot Lasguns with Hotshot Volley Guns, Meltaguns or Plasma Guns.

And the Taurox Prime can be taken by regular Scions as well, I had made an error in the previous bit


via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
I can confirm the reports of Astra Tempestus and Militarum leaks inside. Full stat pages and lore for the Taurox, Taurox Prime and Scions. Scions are WS 3 BS 4 Str 3 To 3 with Hot-shot Lasguns and Carapace armor. They can upgrade a number of models to have Plasma Guns, Melta Guns or Overcharged Lasguns. May take a Taurox or Chimera as dedicated transport. There is also a Scion Command Squad, but I forget the difference, they have the option of taking the Taurox Prime as dedicated transport instead. Updated: Scions along with the Scion Command Squad can take a Taurox Prime as a dedicated transport.

Taurox is approx. the cost of a lone marine in a Rhino, 11 10 10 for armor and rerolls failed terrain rolls, comes mounted with an Autocannon and can hold 10 models. Taurox Prime is approx. 2 more marines in that rhino but comes with your choice of Taurox Missile Launcher, Battle Cannon or Gatling Cannon. Same armor and transport capacity as the regular model.

Other major part of the book is an apocalypse battle report between Tau and Necrons and painting guide for those beautiful Scions.

The post Rule leaks – Militarum Tempestus Taurox and Scion appeared first on VoxNet Radio.