So after finishing that table of terrain, I decided to make yesterday a personal hobby day, a day where I can play with my own miniatures, practice techniques, etc. Well after trying to decide on what to paint, I finally settled on my Imperial Knight I'd been assembling.
I also decided that it was time to bust out the airbrush, something I've never actually used on a model, let alone a $140 one! No guts no glory, right?
I settled on an established house and a flashy color scheme: House Taranis, with its heavily Mechanicum feel, would be an excellent scheme to practice! Enough chatter, more matter!
The base was a simple matter of using Vallejo's Black Lava after attaching a old ruined statue from the Return of the King starter set. After that was done, the entire model was sprayed black. The carapace and armor pieces were left separate for painting.
All the metal pieces were based with Leadbelcher, then were shaded with black and dark brown weathering powders, then sealed. Once dry, I airbrushed Nuln Oil, Agrax Earthshade, and touches of Drakenhof Nightshade to tone the metal. After all that was dry, I carefully sponged Chainmail on to simulate scuffs and chipping. Cables were repainted black.
The armor plates were airbrushed with Badger's Angelic Blood, and was highlighted by mixing a touch of Mephiston Red into the brush with the Angelic Blood. After that was dry, I gently misted chainmail over the red; it gives it a subtle metalic sheen that doesn't show up great in the photos. Once dry, I masked off areas and sprayed grey, then white, to shade the white armor plates.
The eyes, like the carapace hatch, are green, to compliment the bright red of the armor. I opted for my least favorite mask, as its the most Mechanicus-looking one in the set!
The transfers were applied very carefully following the instructions in White Dwarf weekly from a couple weeks ago (the Helbrute one). All surfaces were gloss varnished. The transfer then sat in a tupperware container with moist paper towels to prep, then were brushed directly onto the model. Once they were placed correctly, I applied Micro-Sol setting solution onto the decal to smooth and seal. After they were all finished, they were, of course, matte varnished!
Whew! Well this bad boy, as much as I love how he turned out, is going to be for sale on eBay (Link HERE) so I can do some different schemes and fund some other projects at the same time! I've got a commission coming in May of 3 of these bad boys backing up a Warhound Titan, so stay tuned for more Knights coming down the pipeline!
Next up: more terrain!