OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJoe, Kevin, Louis and I kicked Saturday off with Railways of Europe.  I was working towards the “connections to Spanish cities” baron, so I picked up the Hotel Madrid and then started making connections.  There were a few deliveries in the area, but things slowed down after the first few turns.

Louis and Joe were both fighting for the middle area, while Kevin had the Eastern European and Russian connections.  Kevin was able to build a pretty nice loop near Moscow and connecting into Vienna that he used to consistently make long deliveries.  Louis had a similar thing going around Paris.

I was never able to catch up, and while Joe managed to connect Paris to Constantinople, and have the least debt; it wasn’t enough to catch Kevin.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACastles of Burgundy followed, and I was playing the map with a single large animal pasture.  I picked up some cows in the first round, and started filling in my mines.  Joe was looking to ship and Kevin was using boats to ensure he was going first most of the time.

Cows didn’t show up again for a couple rounds, and by that point Louis had nearly completed chicken and sheep fields.  Kevin was looking at pigs, and Joe was ignoring animals altogether.  I had a pretty tight monopoly on the cows, and was able to use that to score a ton of points.  I ended the game nearly 100 points in the lead.




Until next time, happy gaming!