Yup. Upon writing this, it's 2am, Central time, and I'm staring at a field of green. With a spot or two of red and blue, of course. And no, this isn't some rule April Fools joke I'm Playing on myself thank God. They really are done!

They are based and ready to be packed away for an amazing weekend full of friends I don't see enough of, and two intense days of gaming with three of my closest friends in the team tournament at Adepticon,

I knew if I went to bed without snapping some quick pictures and tapping this out, I'd never do it tomorrow night, and I did promise photos of the finished models before I left!
This time I'll hide the boring stuff like the drop pod and the Thunderfire cannon in the middle of it all. Though to be honest, I'm pretty stoked about how the Thunderfire and gunner turned out! Again, keep in mind these were shot with my iPhone, so color variance and like crap abound in these. I can't wait to get my photo cube set up after Adepticon and get some real shots taken.

Enough talking. I'm tired and will only end up rambling at this hour. On to the pictures!

I promise the Rhino isn't that shade of green...man I hate taking pictures late at night with crap lighting...

Are there things I would change had I the time to? Of course there are. However, I am not ashamed to field these and can't want to get games in with them. Will I go back and revisit some of these details? Of course I will. But not before I take a break...it's not easy painting green.

...okay, it's really not hard painting green, but I couldn't pass up the Muppets reference.

- Tim