Currently I am taking a small break from the Sci-Fi Alien bust, but only cause I am waiting on some colors to show up so that I can finish parts of it.

So in the meantime I have worked on the water effects base, but also another sculpt that I started a while back and did not like the look of in the end. Ashton from Eden the game.

Originally it looked like this..

Not terrible really,  but I was really not liking the approach on the metal or the scratches. Plus it looked too clean.

That and since receiving this base from Adam Parkhouse of Portal fame, I was looking to make it match up to that better.

So I pulled out my black paint, and re-primed over the poorly done colors and started again.

Since the base is already shades of grey and blue, I thought why not continue on with that scheme a bit further.

And this is what I got in the end. I think it comes off a bit more busy than I was aiming for, but at the same time it has something that I was not sure I would have captured already. Plus the skin pops out better with this here now also. Of which I have not touched and will get more updates now that my motivation for this model is coming back.

Plan is to get him finished up quickly in time for Salute and enter him into the Singles Sci-Fi category. No desires of winning here, but just a fun piece to toss into the ring and see how he does. And since there are a ton of painters showing up to this convention ( which I have always seen as more gaming/buying than painting competition ) I hope to get some feedback from everyone as well!

Some more shading, discoloration, and chipping is needed on the armor pieces. That and some more work on the metals, but that will come soon enough! Enjoy for now!