Nick speaking,

Continuing on from my 'Tyranid 'Loc List' is back!' post, and it's time to get the army on the table. Here is a battle report of the list up against my arch enemy, Blood Angels. I was also very excited to be able to see my Laser Cut Card Cyborg Statis Tomb 'Bastion' on the table for the first time...

Stinger Hive Fleet 'Loc List' v1

1 x Hive Tyrant/2x Devourers/Hive Commander/Wings (250)
1 x Hive Tyrant/2x Devourers/Wings (230)

5 x Warriors/4x Deathspitter/1x Venom Cannon (185)
20 x Termagants/20x Devourer (160)
20 x Termagants/20x Devourer (160)
20 x Termagants/15x Devourer (140)
20 x Hormagaunts/Toxin sacs/Adrenal glands (200)
9 x Ripper swarm/Spinefist (153)

2 x Venomthropes (90)
3 x Zoanthropes (150)

1 x Mawloc (140)
1 x Mawloc (140)

Points 1998