Howdy Imperius Dominatus readers! Ian here, I've been quiet for months and months lately, and its mostly due to my wife being pregnant and my free time being eaten up by a long commute. I've still been playing 40k, and making progress painting (more on that later), but as the schedule of releases has become a deluge, I just haven't felt as inspired to write of late. I do have a side project I've been conceiving of, but I can't speak on it right now as its still in its infancy. More on that in a future post.

I have been working my bum off to try to get my Death Guard army completely painted, I'll throw a couple pics in here of my progress, but I'll hold off on a full photo spread until I'm totally done. I'll post those at the end of this post.

I've also been working on some other chaos goodness. As I discussed last year, I am working on a Slaanesh daemons army, centered around monstrous creatures. I decided to work on the army slowly as part of the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge for the year. You can view my posts here. The February and March commitments are complete:

Daemon Prince of Slaanesh

Some Daemonettes.

But what brings me back today isn't actually about 40k, well, not 28mm 40k models anyway. No, some budget constraints, as well as potentially having to put a lot of my 40k stuff in storage in a few months as I go through several months of housing transition (trying to buy a home and such) have led me to work on something that's been in my peripheral vision for awhile.

As MattShadowlord wrote about on 3++, there is another Warhammer 40k game that people tend to forget about. Its called Epic and it is (apparently) a great game. Unfortunately, while the rules are kept afloat as a fan maintained living rulebook (with updates for new units coming from the community, such as the riptide feature in another of Matt's battle reps), GW cancelled production on the line ages ago and stopped selling any epic product. These posts definitely caught my attention, but when another denizen of the 3++ chatbox reminded me of another fan project, Pocket40k, I finally pulled the trigger. I went on ebay and ordered an assortment of space marine infantry (Scouts, Assault Marines, Terminators, Tacticals, Command Squads, and a bag of unknown additional minis), some Proteus Land Raiders, Deimos Rhinos, a Hive Tyrant, and 3 Doomwings to use as Heldrakes.

With these purchases, some casting, and a whiteboard, I have everything I need to start playing 40k on a much smaller, easier to transport scale. I bought a whiteboard, taped off the 1/5 scale (ok techincally its like 21/100th's scale) size board and sprayed it grey for a city themed board. The reason to use a magnetic whiteboard is the tiny models aren't great at standing up, so with a bit of magnetic sheet (got 4 sheets at Staples for 9 bucks, should last me for several armies and the terrain), you can make the models much more stable. I'm looking at doing some conversions, 3rd party purchases, ebay bargain hunting, and conversions in order to get me all the options I need. I'm going to cover each army I do in a separate post, my goal is to demonstrate the modeling options for every single army.

Additionally, I will be covering the process of getting used to playing the game at that scale. This includes materials, problems, advantages, etc. I'd love to encourage more people to try it out, and with a new Imperial Guard codex coming next week, they are in many ways the easiest army to build without having to use ebay. Personally, I am starting with CSM, SM, Daemons, Tyranids, and probably Knights (4 Knights are 10 bucks on ebay) and Orks (turns out I have 6 old epic battlewagons in my bits box). I'll also cover my tips for building terrain, and maybe some kit reviews if I can score some of the 6mm terrain kits I've looked at.

Since this is something of an update post, I'm going to wait till I start getting my ebay orders and my terrain projects start coming out to do some posts, as I'd like to toss in some pictures. I'm very excited about the prospect of this project, as I'll hopefully have several armies with only a few hundred dollars spent.

With that, here's some nurgly goodness.

Daemon Prince (wings ordered but not arrived yet) and a Herald of Nurgle on Palanquin!

Blight Drones!


Old School Land Raider!

That's all folks, back soon with more updates, both Death Guard and Pocket 40k related!