The latest development is that it seems at long last my hunt for a 30K / Horus Heresy army has taken a massive step forward.
I'm presently painting up a test model for the armies general and I'm doing it in Imperial Fist colours.
So a word about the model. He's a Kit-bash as you'd expect. Originally built as a leader of a Blood Angels assault team. Quite by accident though I also noted recently that he's a very good likeness of Krell (WFB Vampire Counts), but in 40K garb. See the comparison for yourself.
For those interested. The model is made up for the following:
Head - FW Minotaur's Chaplin head
Body, Shoulders, Arms, Weapon - GW Blood Angel Sanguinary Guard
Legs, Backpack - FW MkII Assault Marine
It'll be a little while before he's done. But so far so good!
Space Krell
by Daniel Pettit | Apr 6, 2014