In previous posts I have given several Wolf Tips containing special manoeuvres, extra details etc. This time I have decided to make a list of new Wolf Tips aimed at helping you avoid an utter and shameful defeat in the battlefield.

In a 40K game everything can change in just one turn, as everyone can recall from his/her experience. We always strive for victory, a wipe out if possible; but even a low-score-win would be adequate. But what if this desirable outcome is not possible? When you are losing, there is a great difference between losing with 1 or 2 points and losing with, let us say, 10 points. While a “win is a win” it doesn’t stand the same for defeat. When you are playing in a tournament, even one point more can give you the edge and land you in a good place on the finalist chart. Even worse I have had the bitter experience of losing first place for only just one point.

Remember the Wolf Tips do not guarantee you a win, but will help you to avoid a massacre.

  • Wolf Tip1 – Strategy & Tactics: I define, for our purposes, Strategy as your game plan; i.e. the
    way that your whole army will move in order to attain victory. In accordance, Tactics is defined as what each unit will do. For example:
                                       i.      Strategy: your army will be divided into two    flanks to surround your enemy.
                                      ii.     Tactics: The melta squad will hit the enemy tank, so that the 10-men Bolter squad will kill the unit inside it.

When your enemy begins to explain his/her army, you have to quickly decide your strategy against him/her. In your enemy’s turn you have to decide your tactics, as he/she performs his/her move.

  • Wolf Tip2 – Scoring units: Five out of six missions in the game have objectives. You should target his/her scoring units, so that he/she can’t score any points. At the same time you should keep yours out of danger; e.g. keeping them in reserves. Keep in mind that the fifth turn may be the last, so don’t forget to move your Scoring units to the objectives.
  • Wolf Tip3 – Know thy enemy: Every army has its Special Rules. Learn them by hard and, if you can, use them against them. For example, Nids without Synapse don’t function at all, exploit this fact!
  • Wolf Tip4 – Premeasure everything!: The game has changed and pre-measurement is allowed. During deployment, you can thus avoid being shot in the first turn, by carefully calculating the position of your units. In the same manner, you can even avoid being assaulted. For example,
If you want to stay out of C&C you have to be X” away from the nearest enemy unit.
X = 6||12 (enemy unit movement) + 7 (the average of two dice) + 2(just in case)
X = 15||21
(|| stands for OR)

  •   Wolf Tip5 – Know your Army: You have to know your army better than your name. If you want to win you have to know all your Special Rules and use them properly. Know your army’s weaknesses and try to overcome them.
  • Wolf Tip6 – Synergy: Your list must have synergy. Every unit in your army must have a raison d'être. If you take a Thunderwolf Cavalry Deathstar you must also include long range units to support them and some Drop pod(s) to push your enemy back into his field.
  •  Wolf Tip7 – Rulebook: Every game has rules; 40K excels in this area, having far too many rules. You ought to be familiar with (all of) them. Sufficient knowledge of the game rules means no one will be able to cheat you and will better your gaming (rule-wise).
  • Wolf Tip8 – Read the news: You should be informed for everything that happens; such as new publications and releases. I know that now it is more difficult, what with all the weekly releases, but if you want to have an edge in the fight you have to stay up to speed.
  • Wolf Tip9 – Target Lock: Find the right target at the right time. Search for weak spots in your enemy’s lines and exploit them. Does your enemy have one side of a tank out of cover, drop there and take it out.
  • Wolf Tip10 – Learn your stuff: Each time you play with the same (or similar) list you learn it a bit better. Read your Codex, find the best list that suits you and play it to boredom; at which point you will be familiar with it and its true capacities.
  • Wolf Tip11 – Jedi Focus: Every game is different. In any match you may encounter unexpected obstacles; an abuser, a cheater, loud music or sort of distractions. Try to stay focus on the game. Every time that I am super focus I always win.
  • Wolf Tip12 – Statistical dice: I know that there isn’t any die that is statistical, but there is a way to have better dice. A professor from a University (that plays Warhammer) once made one thousand students to roll one thousand rounded dice and one thousand sharp edge dice. The outcome was that the non-rounded dice gave more 3+ results than the rounded dice. So don’t wait, buy them NOW!!!
  • Wolf Tip13 – Practice: You have to play at least once a week to acquire a better understanding of the game. To do that my friends and I have created a team (to play in tournaments) and we meet for practice once a week, to play at least two games each. Also if you can’t play a game, you can always watch one online; e.g. at MiniWar Gamming.
  • Wolf Tip14 – Be a Michelangelo: Find the time to paint at least your list. The truth is that this will not help you win. In truth I have noticed that most of my enemies that had a full painted army weren’t that good of a player. It’s nice to have a full painted army, but don’t neglect your practice. Try to find a good balance between practice and painting time.

I believe that if you follow my advice you will be able to raise your wining ratio. The Space Wolves Codex isn’t the best one, but neither the worst. Our Codex offers many solutions to any enemy. Remember, we are the Sons of Russ. we can take out anyone.

It is the way of Fenris. We stay as long as we can. Fight as hard as we can. Kill as much as we can. Only when we can do no more do we move on.

+++ Skold Greypelt of the Space Wolves on Shadrac +++

Of course I would like to hear your opinion on this and all my previous posts, as well as suggestions for what you would like me to write about.

I hope to get the Codex: Militarum Tempestus early enough to be able to review it for next week.

Until next time remember Prospero and…