Just "onlined" my very own crowdfunder via Indiegogo. That was actually quite a good experience, unproblematic and very easy to figure out. It is completely gaming unrelated, but now I know how to do, should I find something related to the Mechanicus later on.

We are trying to raise some funds for our local Volleyball club. Since a decline in members in our small volley club have led to us closing this summer - unless get some new players and raise money to pay the rent for the sports hall. Once we get some new members and get to keep playing the second goal in to raise money enough to keep our coach.
The team is a social team, playing for the exercise and the love of the game, though we usually participate in several smaller tournaments a year.

So feel free to share the link - I actually think it will be quite funny to see if someone out there not actually wanting to play in our club, would consider contributing. So viral is the word.
