Wow.. where does the time go.. last I knew it was still Friday afternoon, and now we are back to Monday! Argh! Hate when the weekend goes by so quickly!

For me it was a whirlwind of activities, most of which were painting/gaming related.

So first off there was more work on the Sci-Fi bust. Not a lot, but enough to make some progress on it while I wait for my Scale75 Silver Metallics to arrive. My mistake for ordering the NMM Silvers instead :(

I did paint up the eyes on this bad boy, and started to work on the spine creeper a bit also.

For the eyes, I wanted a darker sinister coloring for it. In this place, I started with black undercoat, then moved to glazing it with silver GW metallics. Very very thin. And then moving up to a brighter silver from an older bottle of Ral Partha Silver from the 90s. My personal Bling Bling color ;) This was also glazed with some blue ink/washes also to give it a bit of color, but not a lot.

Once this was all done, then I did a few levels of gloss varnish over it to make them as close to shiny marble like as possible. I like the effect in the end, and how they shine no matter how little light there is available.

The spine is very WIP I guess at this point, and still needs more work. I need to smooth out the colors a bit more, and work on the connections to the body further.

While I wait for colors on that one, I worked a bit more on Ashton from Eden. Though he too is waiting for the silvers so that I can redo aspects of him.

I only did some of his shadows with red/burgundy colors to give it some variation. I think I need to go back and do it a few more time to make it a bit more stronger though.

Completely random paint up of a super tiny "bust" or head really that I did up. Got a bit more finished on it, so will post that up. Was just a fun little exercise playing with reds and yellows.

And finally.. last random.. the Base for Bilbo vs Gollum..

Finally got to take some more final photos of it ( at least some better versions of them ) and also started on Gollum! Who will stand on the inner rocks, with the hobbit on the outer rock.

And Gollum.. while inside he is not pulling focus completely, and that is good! Cause I want the focus on Bilbo, so will need to keep that in mind when I paint him up.

And that is that.. I could have made this into several articles Peter Jackson style, but thought I have enough coming up for items that I may as well just toss this all out to you readers! Hope you enjoyed it, and had as eventful of a weekend as I have!

Will just leave the gaming aspect for another post.. maybe tomorrow? In the meantime, enjoy the week!