OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAKevin, Joe, Louis, and I decided on Clash of Cultures Saturday night. It started off pretty peacefully. A mountain range separated me from Louis, and the middle was unexplored for much of the game.

Eventually Joe and Kevin ended up next to each other. Kevin took the first aggressive action in attacking Joe. He was defeated and Joe took advantage of his weakened state to take Kevin’s city.

I had built up a nice city in my corner and was using my economic liberties for income. I was able to build the great mausoleum wonder, but building armies to defend was difficult with limited access to ore. I did take a couple of Louis’ nearby cities to dissuade him from attacking my capital.

Kevin had climbed back into it and was giving Joe trouble, but Joe decided I was the biggest threat and started working his way over to my city. I was barely able to build an army to defend and survived his attack with a single army remaining.

I finished the game with 38 points, while Louis had 34, Kevin had 33, and Joe had less than 20.


I had forgotten to post my March wrap up, so here it is. Flash Point was definitely the game of the month.  Nothing else even comes close.

Game Qty
Flash Point: Fire Rescue 9
Hawaii 2
The Castles of Burgundy 1
CO₂ 1
Railways of Europe 1
Spyrium 1

Until next time, happy gaming!