So the relentless March of the Orc Ogre painting project continues! I have painted another 6 ogres this week and with the announcement of the Cry Havok Tournament (Details here: on the 14th of June in Dunfermline I am going bananas getting my army ready! Comp pending I think I am settled on my list an plan to take the following:

Slaughtermaster, Lv4, Maw, Great Weapon
Bruiser BSB, Heavy Armour, Great Weapon, LoG

8 Ironguts, FC, LoG
3 Bulls, Extra HW, Muso
3 Bulls, Extra HW, Muso

3 Mournfang, Heavy Armour, Ironfist, Muso
3 Mournfang, Heavy Armour, Ironfist, Muso
8 Leadbelchers, Muso

Stonehorn, Harpoon Launcher

I have been using this list pretty much constantly for a 4 months now so I am pretty happy with it. It doesn’t have the most chaff but I have found the leadbelchers delete a unit of enemy chaff a turn and can then deliver a hammer blow charge when my opponent least suspects it. Buffed with Strength, Toughness and/or Regen and they become better than some armies elites! I have found the list is really good vs Elves which seem to be having a bit of a resurgence but Death Lore Warriors or Death Lore Daemons tend to be really good at wiping me out!

All in all the list is a lot of fun to use and because I have used ogres so much over the past few years I can really chill out and have fun! Its great being able to play a turn, participating in all phases in 10min flat giving my opponent plenty time and having a laugh! J

From a painting point of view I am still really enjoying doing this army and thanks for all the kind comments I received on twitter the past few days when pics went up! I think I have really hit my stride with the blending and now can do it properly. I don’t do wet blending (which might be easier but not looked into it properly lol) I just gradually build up thin layers of progressively lighter colours and then apply a green glaze at the end. Picture below of the green paint colours I use! I mix mid tones between each layer using the paints so as to achieve as seamless a transition as possible! One of the Ironguts below is a particular favourite example of the blending, really proud of that and the red banner J All that said, after seeing Dorian’s freehand banner yesterday (Link: realised I still have a long way to go to be painting at his level! Once the army is finished I am going to go back and do the free hand on this and the BSB banner J Iconography wise I will be doing either a standard Ogre Maw symbol in white or a Chaos Dwarf Slave rune in white on the banners.

So still on the paint bench is the following for Cry Havok:

Stonehorn (Aracknarock) : [Base is 100% complete, Spider 40%, Rider 10%, hobbit 0%]
6 Mournfang (Converted Dragon Ogres- Black Orc Head swap to match army)
5 Leadbelchers
Movement Trays

All going well I should have the above done by the end of the month (April) which will be a month in advance of the tournament J. Longer term I have a plan to build a display board after seeing the stunning work the American’s pulled out at Adepticon over the weekend I really want to explore this part of the hobby! I have an idea for a ruined village surrounded by trees and a small river. I decided to get rid of my scenery recently and will be starting a project to build a new gaming table and terrain to match the OrcOgres basing so I am going to make the display board multifunctional. All of the terrain will be detachable from the board so it has some none display function and when I go to a tournament which requires you to bring terrain I can use both! I know it makes me a #DisplayBoardWanker (Gary Wyper hates me now) but hey it seems a fun painting and modelling project! The American’s do it so well I just want to try it!

On a side note Scott and I (@_Wee_men) went on a little spending spree and both bought new armies! Scott picked up lizardmen (I am going to train him like a pokemon!) and I picked up an all metal Grey Knights army! I cant explain how over the moon I am with this as I had always wanted those model but when they were released I could barely afford one box (was in school lol) let alone a whole army! Im going to strip and repaint them to a yet to be determined scheme!

Anyway let me know what you think guys!!!

Greens I use on the flesh: