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Home Guard Radio Episode 2: The Cocktail Party

Cast: Craig, Stephen, Ali, Andy M and Andy W


The Intelligence Corp: 0:0:15 – 0:54:30

 The theme for this episode Intelligence Corp is the games we have been playing at 750 points.

Craig trys once more to make excuses for Panzer Lehrs shocking performances, this time it’s the pioneers fault.

Comrade Ali explains how he’s fallen in love with the sub machine gun armed tank rider unit.

Andy M reinforces Craig excuses after the beating that the DaK gave out.

Stephen tells us all about his new Finnish force that he is proxying until his kick starter models arrive.

Andy W tells all about the greatest tank unit in the game the mighty StuH 42,


The Logistics Corp: 0:54:40 – 1:28:30

 Andy M starts off with his recent hobby update on the basing of the DaK and the expansion of the force with some shiny purchases from the Perry’s range.

Stephen ran home from the 6s2hit.com store with new shiny toys and built them in two hours.

Andy W picked up a little Panzer 2 and has an update on the dunkel gelb quest.

Comrade Ali picked up the rules and the Soviet army boxed set and gives us all a lesson on the weather.

Craig paints something that isn’t a tank……


Topic of the Month: Going from 500 – 750 points 1:28:30 – 1:50:00


Email: Homeguardradio@gmail.com






www.twistedtoys.net/ – Craig’s Blog

www.3coloursbased.wordpress.com/ – Andy M’s Blog

www.facebook.com/pages/Brush-Work-Miniatures/244486372312628 – Ali’s Page

www.terrain4cake.com/ – Nicks Blog (Terrain Genius)