So yeah... a box arrived at my house yesterday.. and within it was a nice dual bust kit from Fantasy Realms.

Recently the owner had a great little sale ( still going I believe! ) of this duo bust combo of Hulk vs Wolverine. And well, you all know how much I like sales for miniatures! It is like Mrs Lee and a sale on handbags.. just can't resist a good bargain!

So an order was shipped out, and here it is!

Thankfully my mother-in-law is staying with us, and she was home to receive the delivery... and was a bit shocked at the package that was delivered!

I was also a bit shocked at how large it was, and also how heavy it was. I mean I knew it was a large, but DAMN is it heavy!

Now, I did post these photos up last night on my Facebook wall. So this is kind of  a repeat posting for some here then.

And some of the comments up there are pretty funny considering the size of the piece.

One comment being that this is not a mini... which is probably true, so I guess I should rename this a maxi then? :) Maybe?

Above you can see it comparison to the Sci-Fi Bust, and the Thin bust that I have had on my table for a bit. I have to say that even in its wrapping it was pretty massive!

Then once unwrapped, i got a good look at the main piece out of this.

 Quite large indeed!

I mean, even holding it in one hand, you can get a sense of scale out of it.

All I can really say about this piece though is that it will be done almost exclusively with airbrush. Mostly because I am not allowed to paint walls in my rental, and thus have no paint rollers around to use on this piece!

Kidding aside, I can see some really nice work to be done on this guy, and really looking forward to starting it. Which I hope to do.. just a soon as all mu upcoming travels are finished and conventions are behind me.

Oh and speaking of size comparisons.. here is the piece against my ever so lovely face! Someone has asked me why I wanted to do a 1/4 scaled version of myself.. to which I had to reply that I only get this mad when someone knocks my glasses off my face. Otherwise I am captain cool.. right? Right?!?! RIGHT!!!?!?!!!??!!?

Oh and here is a shot of Wolverine still in his bag. I left him there only because he has some weird hair pieces that need to be put to him, and I don't want to lose them just yet.

The only thing I do not like on the Wolverine bust though is that there is an indent in his hair for the Hulk's forehead to sit. Which means that yes they are a set, and then yes they should always be together. Not sure I fully like that, so will think about if I will resculpt some hair for the front part of Wolvie here or not.

But yeah.. nice "little" surprise here yesterday at the studio. Put onto the shelf of To-Do.. and will be tackled soon enough.

In the meantime, Salute is tomorrow! And thus final prep and photos and arrangements and blah blah are needed to get ready for it.

Keep an eye on my Facebook page for updates throughout the day though. I am hoping to do plenty of photos both from the cell, as well as via the camera. And probably far too many selfies than I care to admit at the moment.

But expect a huge report afterwards about Salute both here and on 5th-Dimension blog! As there will be 3 members attending the event this year! Woot woot!

So if you are at Salute then, keep an eye out for me.. I will be sporting a Massive Voodoo shirt and the large miniature transport box from HobbyZone with stickers on it. Come find me and say hello!

For the rest.. enjoy the weekend!!!