A British Mk IV WWI male tank from Urban Construct. I have to confess that this resin model was like a blast from the past compared to Warlord's Panzer III. It comes as a single block and the original sculpt hadn't been properly fitted together squarely before creating the mould.

Still a bit of filler and a lick o' paint works wonders and the finished model ain't too drecky.

I intend to use it as a 'Ricardo', a Mk V, for my Russian/German Civil War games so it is well dirted up: two or three not very carful previous owners. I may even put another rust wash on as it still looks a bit new for something that was winched out of the harbour and refurbished.

The Mk IV and V looked superficially similar on the exterior. I have added a front Lew is gun. The Russian ones were mostly hermaphrodite with one male and one female sponson but a male will do.