OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe weren’t able to play Saturday night, but Joe, Kevin and Louis joined me Sunday afternoon for a game of Terra Mystica.

I was playing the Chaos Magicians.  Louis played the Merfolk; Kevin, the Halflings; and Joe, the Nomads.

I started in the middle of the map next to Louis and Kevin, building a temple quickly to get the favors for better income.  I was able to quickly build a city in the center and eventually migrated to the right side for a second city.

The others were gaining points quickly, and I was falling behind.  I was able to get the top spots in the Earth and Water cults; barely beating Louis for water after he stole fire from me.  I wasn’t able to get the most connected civilization, though.  That went to Joe, who maxed out his boating ability and spread out all over the place.  Joe ended up winning, while I pulled up the rear.


Until next time, happy gaming!