Hi everyone,

As promised I am back with some pics of the finished Aristotle Battleship.  Overall I am quite happy with it.  For a paint job that took 6 hours altogether - including the all the problems I had with it, I am satisfied.

With the Dystopian War naval models I took an even simpler approach to painting than I did with the Space Wolves.   Basically they are just neat basic colours with washes - albeit being enamel and oil washes.  I find this system quick, efficient and very practical for gaming pieces.  The models are neat, distinctive and presentable.

The last picture is of my painted force as it currently stands.  I have decided to push on Dystopian Wars because in the beginning of June, DW2 will be in full swing and I want to get my forces painted up by then.
Since I am in the swing of things, next week I will continue with Dystopian War models.  I have started painting up some smalls naval models and medium flyers.  You will see them in the upcoming weeks.

Farewell and good health,
