MayaCast is a (kinda) new podcast for Infinity the Game, by Corvus Belli. It's run by Tom Schadle and Kip Parcell. I say "kinda" because they were the hosts for a previous podcast, and have moved on to start their own. Their first episode posted yesterday, and while a little rough, something they admit themselves, they are vets and I expect them to refine their format quickly.

Okay, so typically I don't advertise or review much on here. I've got to really be behind a product or site to give it some time on this blog. Not because I'm special or anything, but because most of you don't come here to read stuff like that, and I want to make sure when you do come to my little corner of the interwebz you kind of know what to expect. However I do now, and will always, support those who try and better the hobby community through their own efforts for others,and that's essentially what a podcast is folks.

Lately I've been diving head first into Infinity. Honestly ever since I painted that Tohaa Soec Ops figure. I've already got a fairly substantial Yu Jing collection I'm chomping at the bit to assemble and paint, and have been learning the rules. Definitely expect some Infinity content in the future. That being said. When MayaCast launched, I immediately listened to their first episode and enjoyed it immensely. I only see good things on the horizon for this podcast.

Check out the links to their blog and Facebook page below, and show them some love and support.

- Tim