It's been a rough few weeks.  The antics of GW has actually presented a lull in enthusiasm, and while we've worked to reach a solution that's amicable with everyone attendance at these meetings has dropped dramatically.  The way we perceive GW has changed fundamentally - we have always been seen the Design Studio and tournament organizers as a benevolent authority over gamers, now we see them as the actual dearth of our game club.

However, all that's behind us now.  It's all ahead full at the Wargate - and a new community revolution is in progress.  Nothing as toxic as GW's policies toward games, rules and models will keep us from enjoying Warhammer as we want to.  We claim control of the rules for the Gatekeepers.

So, a new action plan has been implemented.  A grand reorganization has occurred, and GW is not on the 2014 or 2015 schedules.  However, the years pass quickly for we ancients.  In two shakes of a newborn's breath, it will be 2016.  It's very possible the embargo will be lifted by then, but when GW returns to the schedule it will be us controlling the rules, not GW.

We should have already learned from experience not to sell off stuff we want.  In light of this, despite what you've heard or what has been previously discussed at council we will not be liquidating the entirety of our GW collections.  When GW games are reintroduced to the schedule, all of your armies will still be there - some may even benefit from painting in the meantime.

We will be introducing an eBay store here on the site as well.  Our reorganization has changed the plan for the store as well, so if you've missed the last couple of council meetings you're probably far out of the loop.  We will be partnered with a few other collectible stores as well, and aim to bring you the best gaming material we can at the best prices as well.

So, now that we're building momentum again, how do we maintain it?

Clan Strife will continue until June 1st, when we begin our new Warmachine campaign!  That runs until September, when Flames of War begins to finish out 2014.  After that, we have a brand new initiative we'll be taking on - Star Wars X- Wing!  Chapters interested in joining any of these need only contact the Project Coordinator.

However, the RPG section is a big draw as well.  Dark Heresy will continue starting this next weekend.  Sorry for the delay in posting and gaming, but we had a lot of work to do.  Now that all the cases have been sorted through, we're ready to get back on track.

A few other changes as well.  We've talked about how we're going to handle new players and 'floaters' in the club as well, and investing in models is no longer an issue.  Trust me, members of the Collective have plenty of awesome stuff to do from now till doomsday with no further investment.  To that end, Hobby Days will become a more prevalent part of Game Day going forward.

Updates will come more frequently now.  It's all been ironed out, and this post is to assure you we have not forgotten our true mission.  If you've been absent, now's your chance to hop back in and not miss a beat.  That's what the rest of us have decided to do.