Back summer of 2010 I got an awesome idea to build my own custom sternguard. I wasn't happy with the at the time metal 5 man kit, that later turned into fine cast.
So I went about building my own. I collected 10 identical chest plates, ordered aftermarket shoulder pads and combibolters from Chapter House Studios, and a red scorpions upgrade pack which was the only way to get mark 4 heads back then. Don't forget the two custom built heavy flamers from plastic terminators.
Fast forward and they have recived newly released forgeworld salamanders shoulder pads. I could have also just ordered a squad of mark 4 marines and given them newer plastic combi bolters from the newly released plastic sternguard box. Oh well they are unique and they are mine and they are finally getting some love.
They were mostly assembled around sept 2010 but have languished. Towards the end of 5th they picked up some steam as body guards for vulkan, nothing like two heavy flamers and a gauntlet of the forge to ruin your day. Lately they have become a first strike option in a drop pod. After an amazing performance against some rouge Iron Hands, they have earned some time on the table.
Base coat is of Army Painter green, which is a pretty close match to my original Reaper Master Paints leaf green.
by Mad Pat | Apr 24, 2014