These should have gone up weeks ago, and are likely already posted on the internet by what I call "conscientious and timely bloggers".  I, good people, will never be accused of that sort of recklessness.

My favorite army of the weekend.  Highly coverted "bio-shock infinite" mega nob ork army.

The undersea drills were "trucks", and even the display board looked like the sea bed.

What's cooler than a dakka jet submarine?

TWO dakka jet submarines!  duh...

Sweet converted helo valkryie.

Probably go good with "Codex: Stormtrooper".
Some cat actually showed up with 100 Dark Angels, so if you were ever wondering what that looked like...
And here's some Crystal Brush badassery.  Not sure if they placed, but they caught my eye, and that's got to be worth $10,000 right?

Free hand banner?  Yes please.

Conversion Beamer?  Yes please.

Neat diorama

Yep.  Bretonian Ogres.  Nope.  My picture didn't do this army justice.
Coolest display board ever?  Yeah, that would go to this guy.  I believe it was created by the guys who runs GMM Studios.  Amazing.

Some guys were giving this Chaos Dwarf player grief since this wasn't a GW model, but screw them.  I think it looks badass.