... It smells like... Victory.

Yep, I now have shots of the three Super Heavy Flyers as a group of winged death. Just wait until the 20 accompanying smaller flyers join them. Given these guys are all Corsair based with their individual paint jobs (with an underlying bonding theme), each will have its own back story in the grimoir being written at present.

With the base remaining for the Vampire Hunter (this is going to be a funky base, so stay tuned), and a few gems etc left, in the coming two weeks these boys will be ready for action.

Please note, the Hunter does not have its top fins on at the moment, yes you're not mistaken, they were on in previous photos :)

Very close to the smaller flyers beginning as well over at "Above the Table Top". Should be a frightening scene when they're all together, ready to deal death from above.