Done and done! This was a really fun project form the base work and limited palette all the way through to the stenciling and blood effects. Enjoy the display pics below...
Here's the C'MON link if you feel like throwing a few votes my way. And here's the P&P link if you want to see bigger, better pics. Oh and a shout out to those of you surfing from Lithuania! I was checking my stats the other day and saw a bunch of hits from that part of the world. My mom was from that country.
Well, I laid in with the airbrush using John's Ultramarines blue recipe...
Great colors - love it! All that in 1 hour. The new Badger Velocity came in really handy for the last spot highlights. There is still edge highlighting and some washing to do, but that will come later in the detailing phase. Not sure if I should silly putty mask and do other parts or just switch to brush work now...
Next post: Painting minis with Secret Weapon washes. Video, pictures and a wall of text taking you through what was for me, a very fun little experiment. Thanks for stopping by, check out that blog roll for new blogs, leave me any questions, comments or critiques below and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain!
On Display: Project Alice
by Zab | May 2, 2014