It is my honor once again to be part of a force for good and participate in this years Nova Open Foundation charity army build.  For info and to enter the drawing visit HERE.

What is going on this year?  Well there are four great armies being produced by some of the biggest names in the business like Dave Taylor, Gabe Dobkin and so many more.  One of the themes is the Battle of Maccragge. We will be painting two armies for this project, Tyranids and Ultramarines.

What am I painting specifically?

I will be painting some veteran models. A squad of Sternguard and a unit of Tyranic War Vets.  I wish I could do more but my time is spent this year doing graduate school.

So what is going on this year?

The NOCF will be sponsoring weekly drawings of prizes donated from some great names like Secret Weapon Miniatures and Thewarstore.  Each week they will give away a prize to some one that has bought a ticket. You have to be in it to win it!  Winning a weekly prize has no effect on your chances to win the ultimate grand prize. It is just bonus!  The earlier you get in the more chances you have to win great stuff.  Check the FOUNDATION WEBSITE every Sunday to see what great prizes are being given away!

If you are the type that prefers video, take a look!

I will be doing many updates as I work on this project. Stay tuned!

More to come.
