SO! I’m selling off my Tau to a mate, and heading back to Dark Eldar. I will still have my Eldar for tournaments, but now with fantasy and LOTR picking up, I need to make space!

The recent rumours over on Natfka (here & here) about Dark Eldar were interesting to say the least. New Grotesques isn’t surprising. In fact I bet it’s a multi-kit with another “new” unit. New Wracks is going to be cool, especially since there is talk about the Bane unit that sounds AMAZING. Chemical warfare specialists! a whole unit with liquifier guns would be hilarious. Or a 2+ poison template.
Anyway, I’m happy with my Kabilite colour scheme. It’s a fairly easy process, and it doesn’t turn out too badly. What does need to happen is a repaint of my vehicles. Now that I have more skills with the airbrush, I’ll be putting them to use. I will try out a bit of pre-shading on some new Kabalites to see if anything changes. Hopefully it will look good, and easier to repeat. 

Lastly, I'm hoping DE make a major come back in 7th!