So, I started putting together a list for the Old Line Massacre at the end of the month, you know, so I knew what I had left to assemble/paint. I've put together a list that has most of my favorite models in it, and something that's a bit of a mix of what I know (big, squishy hordes) and things I don't know (fierce, tough brutes that are few and far between).

Anyway, here is the list at the moment…


Magos Prime - 300 points (and finally a chance to field the big, floaty thing I converted last year).
     • Upgraded to ArchMagos Prime and Macrotek
     • Riding in an abeyant
     • Equipped with a cortex controller, and four cyber-occularii
     • Wielding a corposant stave, photon gauntlet, meltagun,
          and a graviton imploder (because that sounds cool)


Myrmidon Secutars (3) - 195 points
     • Four volkite chargers
     • One graviton gun
     • One phased-plasma fusil


Castellax Battle Automata (3) - 270 points
     • Three flamers

Thallax Cohort (6) - 330 points
     • Upgraded to Destructor
     • Two photon thrusters

Thallax Cohort (3) - 175 points
     • Upgraded to Destructor
     • One multi-melta

AdSec Covenant (20) - 110 points
     • Upgraded with Carapace Armor and Revenant Alchemistry

AdSec Covenant (20) - 80 points
     • Upgraded with Induction Chargers

Fast Attack

Usarax Cohort (3) - 165 points (I plan on using the models shown below for the Usarax, as FW hasn't made them yet)
     • One powerfist

Heavy Support

Myrmidon Destructors (3) - 215 points
     • One volkite culverin
     • One conversion beamer
     • One irradiation engine

Krios Venator Tank Destroyer (1) - 185 points
     • Upgraded to Destroyer
     • Two volkite sentinels and extra armor

This all comes to a grand total of 2,025 points - 175 points over the 1,850 limit.

My question to you is, what should I drop?  I'm leaning towards dropping the Krios, or the second Thallax Cohort.

What say you, sages of the interwebz?
